Episode #78: Mariana Wehbe on her journey from corporate ...

Episode #78: Mariana Wehbe on her journey from corporate life to PR powerhouse and founding WE Design Beirut.
Episode #78, Mariana Wehbe
46 min
“Not everybody is going to like me. I’ve accepted that.” Mariana Wehbe on her remarkable journey from a corporate job at DHL to becoming a PR powerhouse and founding WE Design Beirut
Hashem catches up with Mariana Wehbe, the creative force behind MWPR. Renowned for crafting extraordinary events and transformative projects, Mariana shares her journey from surviving the Beirut blast in 2020 to embracing Abu Dhabi as her newfound haven. Stumbling into PR 'by accident', and ending up becoming the PR Queen in the Middle East, Mariana attributes it all to her talent for being an excellent waitress! Links:
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